-------------------------------------------------------- Etherial reads: I am pretty thirsty... -------------------------------------------------------- [HOME] [ABOUT] [SCRIPTS] [INVISIBLE] [SNIPPETS] [BLOG] -------------------------------------------------------- ___________ __ .__ .__ .__ \_ _____// |_| |__ ___________|__|____ | | | __)_\ __\ | \_/ __ \_ __ \ \__ \ | | | \| | | Y \ ___/| | \/ |/ __ \| |__ /_______ /|__| |___| /\___ >__| |__(____ /____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ -------------------------------------------------------- [rock64@etherial] ~ $ ./blog This is my miniblog, I will post random stuff here August 28 2016 @ 10:56 Since a few day ago I finally got a RPI 3. I've been busy configuring the new RPI and installing my headless server while hoping the SD card wouldn't corrupt. Now I am finally done, and if the SD ever gets corrupt again I can write the last SD image to my sd and restart my RPI. This way I can be within 15 minutes back online. :) August 25 2016 @ 00:25 The mysql server used around 233mb of ram which is a bit too much for my like. Now I migrated all SQL databases to an external server which is great. At least I dont have to export a daily SQL backup anymore, but only the home dirs and www dirs. April 17 2016 @ 12:22 The weather api was broken because Yahoo decided to use a new api mechanism with OAuth. I could not be bothered by creating a Yahoo account so I just searched for a new weather API on the net. Now I use the API provided by http://forecast.io/ :) March 4 2016 @ 23:59 This week the new Raspberry version 3 came out. I like the neat little machine but I think I will skip the RPI3 and go for the ODroid-C2 instead. I like the C2 better because its sports an 64 bit cpu and it does have 2GB of ram, EMMC and no shared lan/usb. But the best thing is that it can run Android so I can test my created apps also on my TV. :) February 14 2016 @ 20:22 Oh nooooo, because of a power shortage my RPI got corrupted again. Oh well, within 15 minutes it's up and running again. I am happy that I have 1TB storage on Stack, this is where I do all backups. I mounted the cloud storage with webdav and just use it as any other HD. Sometimes its a bit laggy but it's not much of a deal because I can also run programs from it :) I also backed the 'UP' kickstarter project. The UP is also a SBC but with an Quad core Atom X5-8300 and 2GB ram with EMMC. I actually backed this one because the CPU is 64BIT and have 1GB ethernet. April 26 2015 @ 23:17 After my other RPI got corrupted a few times I ordered a RPI 2 and I migrated everything to the new Raspberry. The cause of the corruption was probably my old Samsung charger that gave 0.7A 5V. Right now the RPI is powered by a 2A 5V charger. I also mounted /var/log and the /tmp directory in tmpfs to minimize sd card writes. On the other RPI I copied the / filesystem to USB storage but this time I will keep it on the microSD :) December 20 2014 @ 00:18 Added Snippets page, you can find it in the menu above. I also don't have to work anymore for the rest of the year.. Party on! December 18 2014 @ 22:36 Tomorrow is my last day of work for the rest of the year! I probably start resuming my Android development again. Last time I coded I ported some projects from Eclipse to Android Studio. I also have a site with more info about my apps @ http://maymar.nl/ December 16 2014 @ 18:02 Added random messages in the header. Still need to add a lot more different ones. Just refresh a couple of times to see some of the random messages. The site font was changed to 'Ubuntu Mono'. Also validated HTML5+CSS3 December 15 2014 @ 02:07 4 days of work to go till I have a small holiday till New Year! I also updated the site and put the pre block inside a div while aligning it to the left. It looks like its working now. :) December 14 2014 @ 20:58 Did some more work on this site. Soon I will make this site responsive and center the main content in the browser. I checked a movie on Youtube about the cool Bitcraze Crazy Flie 2.0 and it really looks great. It's a programmable drone with GPIO which can be programmed with Python for example. December 14 2014 @ 04:07 Worked on the Raspberry site. Created the first few php pages and randomized the logo color. Almost the whole site is written in Nano. I use JuiceSSH on my Android to connect to my RPI. You can find the SSH client at the Google Play Store. It's past 04:00 at night so I'm going to fetch some sleep. :) Cya! Powered by a Rock64 (4GB) HTML5 & CSS3 verified! Generated: 0.0556s