Etherial yells: Kernel panic...... just kidding :)
  ___________ __  .__                 .__       .__     
  \_   _____//  |_|  |__   ___________|__|____  |  |    
   |    __)_\   __\  |  \_/ __ \_  __ \  \__  \ |  |    
   |        \|  | |   Y  \  ___/|  | \/  |/ __ \|  |__  
  /_______  /|__| |___|  /\___  >__|  |__(____  /____/  
          \/           \/     \/              \/        

login as: poseidon
password: *********

Welcome poseidon, 
It's Wednesday October 16 2024 - 00:32

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./news
January 2021   : Yesterday, January 30 2021 there
                 was a power failure in the region
                 where I live. Too bad the uptime
                 of over 500 days got reset :)
October 2018   : Finally some rest, Etherial was
                 targeted by a botnet the last few
                 weeks. Lots of SYN floods attempted
                 to put this machine down to sleep
May 2018       : Running from a Rock64 (4GB version)
                 The RPI was great but I needed more
                 speed, ram, EMMC and 1GB ethernet :)
September 2016 : Forwarded A records (etherial.nl)
                 to my server :)

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./weather.pl --update-hourly
It is 11'C in Alphen a/d Rijn (NL)
The wind-chill temperature is around 8.5'C
The sky is 75% cloudy and the humidity is 82%
The weather condition is: Partly cloudy!
The UV index is currently at 0 
Last polled: Wed Oct 16 2024 - 00:00

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./uptime.sh
I'm up 1 year, 17 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours and 25 minutes

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./free.sh
Total : 3.8G, Used : 737M, Free : 3.0G

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./loadavg.sh
CPU speed    : 1296MHz
Load Average : 0.00 0.00 0.00
Processes    : 140
CPU 0        : 68
CPU 1        : 31
CPU 2        : 24
CPU 3        : 17

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./temperature.sh
Temperature  : My CPU temperature is 41.8'C

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./visitors.py
Visitors     : 180847

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ df -h
Filesystem  Size  Used  Avail  Use%  Mounted         
EMMC        58G   2.6G  53G    5%    /

[poseidon@sea] ~ $ ./scriptkiddies.py --ssh-today
Failed root logins: (Max 15)
Today there were 0 failed root logins so far. Failed user logins: (Max 15)
Today there were 0 failed logins so far.